Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Human to a Mob, to a King, to a God?

This is probably an appropriate time to mention how much I suck at blogging. I've had this post queued up to post for almost two weeks now.

Alas, they've been a ridiculously busy to weeks. I got a pretty intense new piercing (will share soon!), moved back to Kingston, started the new job, started school in a new program (newly minted Psych major right here) and survived Frosh Week festivities, which I consider an achievement in and of itself.

There are so many great things about returning to school that I almost forgot about the studying part. I should probably get back to that...

P.S. Thanks to Hales (blog/music blog/tumblr/twitter) for taking these photos! And check out her blog, it's certainly worth a read.


  1. I love how your 'about me' states you refuse to make people feel bad about you wearing heels!! I agree with this statement so hard, I'm 5"10 too!!
    Good luck returning to school, I hope to do that too someday, must be a great feeling :)
    Love your blog!
    - Claire x

  2. Awesome jacket and I love these shots! The lighting is gorgeous


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